Have you ever thought how factoring can help you present your company as well as possible to potential clients or investors, in your financial statements? Whether you are an independent company owner or a financial manager, factoring can be of great benefit in maintaining the company's liquidity so that you can pay your obligations at any time, but also influence numerous other financial indicators that may be of importance to interested parties when making decisions.
It is known that the Montenegrin financial market is very bank-centric. The main sources of financial resources come from banks, and the main financial instrument used in business is credit. This trend has existed for many years, so companies in the market are used to…
Not only in our region, banks are often perceived as conservative companies that do not listen to the needs and wishes of clients. The reasons for such an image can sometimes seem justified, especially taking into account the strict regulatory standards, as well as the long history of banking during which traditional banking products did not fundamentally change too much, and banks often adapted the way of doing business according to their goals and not according to the needs of the specific market or clients. In some countries, banks often do not approve support for new businesses, start-up companies, agricultural producers, etc.